SEO Basic Services (USD 500)


SEO Basic Services:


The term SEO basically stands for Search Engine Optimization. In other words, Search Engine Optimization are basically number of different processes aimed to improve the visibility of the website in the search engines. The better visibility in Search Engine means that you are likely to get more attention and customer to your business.

Famous Search Engines, such as Yahoo, Bing and Google use bots to crawl and index pages of the websites. These bots collect information about the different websites and putting them an index. Next, the algorithms introduced by the Google analyzes different ranking factors of the page that whether the page should be appear in the search results for a particular query or not.

The term SEO is basically the practice of getting targeted website from google search engine results pages (SERP). In this module, the users will get in hand knowledge about how they can get ranked their website at higher numbers in Google Search Engine Result Pages or SERP.

The Search Engine Optimization is considered as the basic and fundamental part of the digital marketing, because people across the globe conduct billions of searches each year in order to get information about the product and services. Having high ranking and greater visibility in the search engines can have a material impact on your website.

Google is responsible for covering most of the search engine traffic in the world, amongst other search engines. Regardless of what type of search engine you used, the scenario and behavior of search engine changes on a regular basis.

SEO Basic Services:

  1. Choosing SEO optimized domain name
  2. Advanced keyword research
  3. Keyword analysis
  4. Setting up best practices of permalinks to boost your website ranking
  5. How to write SEO optimized blogs and content in the website
  6. Proper using the Heading 1, Heading 2 and Heading 3 in the content of the website
  7. Checking the site SEO health and score for further improvement
  8. Keeping tag cloud
  9. Off-page optimization practices
  10. On-page optimization practices
  11. Using WordPress SEO plugins to optimize SEO based content


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